Our mission is to Educate and give Hope to athletes through Soccer Development and Sports Performance.
Educate: Every session provided by an EdHope Academy coach has a thought out process, it has a purpose and goal. We educate athletes on What to do, Why they are doing it, How to do it, When to do it, and Where to do it. Each technique/form is broken down small steps before arriving at the final product for example a Ball Striking session has 8 steps, we don’t teach all the steps at once. Too many athletes miss out on the opportunity of learning proper technique and form, and because of this they go through their soccer career not being able to achieve their full potential.
Hope: As athletes ourselves we know exactly what it takes to get to the next level,we believe that by leading by example and showing athletes HOW to apply the knowledge provided, we give them HOPE that it can be DONE! “Not only can we talk the talk, but we can walk the walk too!”
We aspire to be the number 1 Soccer Development and Sports Oerformance provider in the Twin Cities eventually serve on a global scale.